Writing Center

Peer tutors at Beloit’s Writing Center provide you with a supportive and collaborative opportunity to improve your writing.

Schedule your session here: Writing Center Appointments.

We conduct tutoring sessions for all students with two options: You can work with a tutor either in person (at the Writing Center—635 College St.—brick house across street from WAC) or by video conference (Google Meet).

You don’t need to decide on in-person vs. video option until your session begins (we will email you a video link at your scheduled time to use if you don’t appear at the writing center).

Beloit's Writing Center is in a cool old building, complete with its own bathtub.

The ability to write effectively is essential to a liberal arts education because writing helps us to learn, to express ourselves, and to communicate with others. The writing program’s mission is to help students learn to write for varied audiences and purposes, as well as to integrate writing into student learning in all disciplines. Our writing center is here to support the learning of all student writers. We can help with every aspect of any assignment or project that involves writing.

How Can We Help?

  • You don’t even need to have any writing done yet—we can help you to understand an assignment, discuss any related reading, generate ideas, and make a plan.
  • We show you ways to rework your ideas in a written draft—we can talk about focus, organization, development, and other elements of effective writing.
  • We can help you engage with the work of other writers, such as sharing tips about how to conduct research and use sources in your writing.
  • We help you with the mechanics of writing, from grammar and punctuation to citation format. We don’t just fix your sentences—we work with you to explain how to make them better.
  • We’ll invite you to come back and make collaborative learning a regular part of your writing practice.

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